New Archway Forms An Attractive Height Barrier At The Entrance To Kidlington Cemetery

01 Feb 2013

Kidlington Parish Council wanted a height barrier to prevent lorries and high vehicles from using the Cemetery Car Park as an overnight stop.  Unfortunately all the barriers available on the market for urban car parks were very conventional a


Letters of thanks

28 Jan 2013

We often receive kind referrals and letters of thanks on completing work for our clients and it's always appreciated.  When we have been part of a large project team it's great to know that the client has recognised our particular ser


Tree Survey to BS 5837 for Large Retail and Warehouse Park Development in Chichester

16 Oct 2012

Tom Whitehead MRTPI, Town Planning Manager at Brookhouse Group has congratulated all those involved with the project as they have just received notification that the Local Planning Authority has granted approval for Phase 1 of their development at


Caring for your trees - Risk Management

11 Sep 2012

Over the next few weeks, we will be writing to all Parish  and Town Councils in Oxfordshire and adjoining counties to advise them of their responsibility for trees that they own and manage. The Law states that all Local Authorities must m


SWMP - Site Waste Management Plans

23 Aug 2012

As part of our commitment to improving performance on Environmental Management Jeremy has completed a training course on Site Waste Management.  This requires: Establishing a framework for systematically managing your waste arisings a
